

That's 2022 done and dusted. I'd like to say a genuine thanks to everyone who follows my place and supports it, even in the smallest ways. As challenging as things...


That's 2022 done and dusted. I'd like to say a genuine thanks to everyone who follows my place and supports it, even in the smallest ways. As challenging as things...

1982 Westone Thunder 1A

This awesome 1982 Westone Thunder came in recently for some love and a complete overhaul to get it playable again after sitting around for a while. We don't see a...

1982 Westone Thunder 1A

This awesome 1982 Westone Thunder came in recently for some love and a complete overhaul to get it playable again after sitting around for a while. We don't see a...

Tym '65 Wosrite Mk II pickups

Following on from my recent TMI Custom JRS SB75 build I had mentioned how I would write about these unique Mosrite pickups that only appeared in the rare "slab body"...

Tym '65 Wosrite Mk II pickups

Following on from my recent TMI Custom JRS SB75 build I had mentioned how I would write about these unique Mosrite pickups that only appeared in the rare "slab body"...

TMI Custom (anniversary) SBV

The next instalment of my hand made TMI Custom guitars is the one I had in my head to make for my anniversary and the last for my 25th "silver"...

TMI Custom (anniversary) SBV

The next instalment of my hand made TMI Custom guitars is the one I had in my head to make for my anniversary and the last for my 25th "silver"...

EH J Mascis Big Muff

Let me start by saying yes, this IS the standard EH Rams Head re-issue from a few years ago. If you own one of them, this one looks a little...

EH J Mascis Big Muff

Let me start by saying yes, this IS the standard EH Rams Head re-issue from a few years ago. If you own one of them, this one looks a little...


Well, this one took a while with a busy year and supply line issues but my 25th anniversary SILVER BIG MUDᗡ is finally here. Back at the end of last year...


Well, this one took a while with a busy year and supply line issues but my 25th anniversary SILVER BIG MUDᗡ is finally here. Back at the end of last year...