
Gretsch refret and binding

This was an early seventies Gretsch that was in desperate need of some lovin'. It has serious "binding rot" and needs a refret badly.   Binding rot can be caused...

Gretsch refret and binding

This was an early seventies Gretsch that was in desperate need of some lovin'. It has serious "binding rot" and needs a refret badly.   Binding rot can be caused...

No Anchor Real Gain Supernova

When it comes to doing custom work for bands I find it much easier to do things for people I understand and appreciate. People who appreciate and understand what it...

No Anchor Real Gain Supernova

When it comes to doing custom work for bands I find it much easier to do things for people I understand and appreciate. People who appreciate and understand what it...

Fuzz for Isaiah from Earthless

I've had the absolute pleasure of meeting up with the Earthless guys when they tour Australia. I've known Mario, their drummer for some time after meeting him when he toured...

Fuzz for Isaiah from Earthless

I've had the absolute pleasure of meeting up with the Earthless guys when they tour Australia. I've known Mario, their drummer for some time after meeting him when he toured...

Tony "GuitarNerd"s Maton FyrByrd

Here's another piece of Australian history. If you don't know, or want to know more about Matons go to GuitarNerd and have a look at Tony's great site. He got this guitar...

Tony "GuitarNerd"s Maton FyrByrd

Here's another piece of Australian history. If you don't know, or want to know more about Matons go to GuitarNerd and have a look at Tony's great site. He got this guitar...

Greco RG550

I'm a huge fan of most things Greco and I do love their Ric copies. Their construction is identical to whatever it is they're copying and the Ric copies are...

Greco RG550

I'm a huge fan of most things Greco and I do love their Ric copies. Their construction is identical to whatever it is they're copying and the Ric copies are...

1977 Ibanez 59'er

This little gem walked into my shop a couple of weeks ago after being booked in for some work and man, I do love these things. The combination of the...

1977 Ibanez 59'er

This little gem walked into my shop a couple of weeks ago after being booked in for some work and man, I do love these things. The combination of the...