When I heard that Magic Dirt were possibly going to do a few shows I was excited and nervous to see the result. I'd caught up with Raul last time we were in Melbourne and he had mentioned the possibility of the Dirt playing live again, which of course was hard as Dean had passed away 2009 and was an integral part of that band.
Last night I "tech'd" (well, hung out and talked) for Magic Dirt, just like the old days. They were playing and accepting an award at the National Live Music Awards here in Brisbane so I hung out and had a blast and I gave Raul this custom Civil War Big Mud.
As mentioned in my blog ages ago, it was actually Raul's Civil War Big Muff that I cloned to make my version. I had gone through a few different ones, which I wasn't taken with and kept thinking "I've gotta get hold of Raul's" as it was well known as a special one and had been used on many recordings, not just Magic Dirt tracks. Once I finally convinced Raul to take it off his board, where it had been since new, and send it up my search was over. It's just a really nice Muff.
Anyway, when I saw dates were confirmed for some shows I contacted Rauls brother, Lluis, who is an artist who does animation and illustration to see if he'd be interested in doing some artwork for a Big Mud so I could make a custom Civil War to give to Raul to say thanks for lending me his baby to copy.
Lluis sent up the artwork, which I got printed on vinyl and made this special treat for Raul. It's his Civil War that I make a copy of only it has the original NOS Russian KT3102E transistors and KD522 diodes, just like the original Red Army Overdrive Muffs.
Anyway, it's nice to able to do things like this when I can.