As most of you who know Tym guitars know I've worked with these guys from almost the start. I met them through my business and instantly took a liking to them as people and then heard some early recordings and the deal was sealed.
Well, in almost ten years nothing has changed. I love these guys like family. James works for me in the shop and Luke works for me doing sound/recording for instores and the studio, and they're still one of the best bands around.
The link between Tym guitars and Violent Soho is strong, and will always be. So, with that in mind we have decided to do the national launch of their new album, Hungry Ghost (which is AWESOME by the way) at Tym guitars at about 6pm on Friday, September 6th. The national launch date for the new album.
It's FREE and ALL AGES so bring your grandparents, you kids, your neighbors kids (with permission) and get a long and see one of the best live bands you're going to see play right in front of you, in a music shop, for FREE.
Thanks to the band, their management and you guys for letting me do this.