With the release tomorrow of the 100th Fuzz Munchkin, I thought I'd write a small post to reflect on the project and what it means to me.
As I've said before this has been a dream come true for me, but as it turns out, not just because I got to work with J and make his first and only endorsed fuzz pedal, but the response I've got from customers who have received the Munchkin has been inspiring.
It's really nice to know you can make a difference in someones world on this level. To make something by hand and send it around the world and get emails from people so happy is a very nice thing indeed.
As you know, the first 100 were stamped with song titles as serial "numbers" in order of release on all the Dinosaur Jr albums. Funnily enough, this just happened to add up to 100 and this batch tomorrow is the last batch with song title serials. It's been amazing revisiting some of these songs as I stamp them into the base of the pedal.
This is the last song off the last album, unless Dinosaur Jr can get back into the studio and release another album before I finish all 300 of them ? Wouldn't that be nice ?
So, I'd like to thank everyone who has bought a Munchkin, or is going to. It's been such a great thing for me and my customers to have something like this. I still believe, possibly more than ever, that hand made products made by people who care is still a viable and sought after thing in this mass produced, undervalued world.
Thanks everyone for caring about this stuff and giving me the opportunity to make it for you.