Tym records to re-issue another classic Australian pop punk 7" for anniversary.

I remember the first time I saw the Meanies. I had grown up on the Ramones and the Hard-Ons when it came to fast, catchy, 2 minute pop punk songs and it was pretty much my life at the time. There were bands trying to do it. There were a lot of bands failing. The Meanies blew my mind ..............

Live, it was a spectacle to see. Links long dreads flying around the stage as he flung himself into more and more contortionist shapes. Dee Dee's SG would pummel chord after chord into a Marshall with tight, precise tones. Ringo would drive the band forever faster while looking like he could have been reading a book it looked so effortless, and between every song the bass player would yell the name of the next song, which was the only gap in the set.

They went on to personify Australian pop punk with songs SO catchy you couldn't understand how they could be that fast. It was the worlds catchiest hardcore.

So nearly 25 years later when they asked me if I wanted to put out a 7" on my humble label I said a resounding YES. When Wally asked "what song ?" Without hesitation I said "Never" ............. This was originally released in 1991 at the height of "grunge" and is still one of my favourite Australian songs EVER.

So, for the Meanies 25th anniversary, Tym records is proud to offer to you, remastered on limited edition wax, the re-issue of the Meanies Never / Steve Sex God / Sorry 'Bout The Violence 7" on glorious coloured vinyl with the original artwork and insert and something special, as if it needed it. Out November exclusively through Tym records worldwide.


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